Sound athletic horses for showjumping and eventing.
Temperment and trainability are essential attributes in our breeding programme.

We breed horses that are enjoyable to produce up the levels by professional and non-professional riders alike.
All our horses are homebred from a small number of very well related mares with traditional Irish bloodlines.
Our horses are carefully produced by Ciara on an individual basis, never forced or rushed but given the time they need to develop.
An exceptionally high percentage of horses bred and produced at Tykillen Farm have been hugely successful in their competition careers.
Please see profiles below with details of current and previous horses, as well as testimonials from some of the clients who have sourced horses from us.
This YouTube video playlist has 5 videos of Tykillen Livewire.

Ballymurphy Queen and her 2021 filly foal Tykillen June, Horse Sport Ireland Eventing Foal Reserve National Champion.
I bought Mabel in February 2020 as a 4 year old. She’s been a dream to work with since and it Ciara had given her a wonderful start; having her riding quietly and correctly and popping fences. A year on, she’s showing promise to be a lovely little event mare.
Ciara takes great pride in her horses and has a real knack for breeding a lovely type, and producing them in a positive way that builds confidence in a young horse. She’s also just a lovely, genuine person to deal with. I couldn’t recommend Tykillen Farm enough!
I bought Annie as a 4 year old. She had a great start with Ciara, always willing to go and with a lovely kind temperament. I recommend Ciara and her family to anyone looking to source quality homebred and produced Irish sport horses – they are lovely, straightforward and knowledgeable.
Livella is a quick, careful, and brave mare. In the show ring, Livella is very competitive! She is light on her feet and has a point and go attitude. Any rider would feel confident walking into the show ring on a horse like Livella – she gives 100% every time.
We bought Clover directly from Tykillen Farm when she was four years old. She convinced us with her sweet temperament, a super jump and the fact that she was exceptionally well balanced in her body for her age. Since the day Clover arrived with us, she has been absolutely amazing.
Clover finished her first CCI2* without obstacle penalties in cross country and show jumping and was placed 5th in CCI1* at the end of the season as a six year old. With her courage, cleverness and motivation, we firmly believe that she has the potential for top level eventing career.
Our horses

2018 Mare
VDL Orestus x Master Imp x Clover Hill

2017 Gelding
SIEC Livello x Cougar x Clover Hill
Recent Sales

2017 Gelding
Tyson x Master Imp x Clover Hill

2017 Gelding
Dignified x Master Imp x Laughton’s Flight

2016 Mare
Dignified x Master Imp x Laughton’s Flight

2016 Mare
Golden Master x Cougar x Clover Hill

2015 Mare
Womanizer x Master Imp x Laughton’s Flight
Our mares

Drumin Magnificat
Cougar x Clover Hill x Skyboy

Lisdara Impish Lady
Master Imp x Clover Hill x First Consul

Ballymurphy Queen
Master Imp x Laughton’s Flight x Skyboy

Skreenmor Dancer
Crosstown Dancer x Big Sink Hope x Grey Macha