Tykillen Farm Multi-species sward, planted in 2020
About multi-species swards
- Multi-species grassland includes a combination of more than 2 plant species – some mixtures contain up to 12. These typically include perennial ryegrass, white clover, red clover, plantain, chicory, yarrow and timothy
- Reduces costs to farmers as it replaces inorganic fertiliser
- By eating herbs, the risk of bloating in livestock is reduced
- A longer grazing season is feasible
- Different species have different growth patterns and swards maintain a steady growth rate at reduced fertiliser application rates
- A clover content in the sward (20-40%) can reduce inorganic fertiliser application by more than half in summer
- Plantain & chicory help reduce losses of nitrogen by leaching, better use of N by animals and less emissions from urine patches.
- Grass mixtures should be chosen based on objectives – see Teagasc advice
- Multi-species swards are more resistant to drought conditions than are ryegrass swards. For instance, chicory has a deep tap root
- They also produce higher grass yields than single species ryegrass swards
- By reducing nitrate peak, multi-species swards also reduce losses to groundwater by up to 20%. However, they are less effective when grazed, as losses from urine patches dominate. Keeping the clover content below ~40% of sward may be necessar
- Reduces GHG emissions and carbon footprint
- Enhances biodiversity by building ecosystems and providing a habitat for pollinators
- Good source of protein and it increases feed intake and performance
- Improves soil fertility and structure