Tykillen Farm

Tykillen Farm2025-03-02T19:52:13+00:00

Lambs, bees, horses and trees.

We are a small family farm on the bank of the River Slaney in County Wexford.

There are three generations of us living and working on the farm.

The farm was established by John and Frances Morris and is now ran in partnership with their daughter and son-in-law Ciara and Liam Kinsella.

We produce pure raw Wexford honey and beeswax products, Bord Bia quality assured lamb, homebred Irish sporthorses and we have about 15 acres of land planted in forestry. 

We work with nature as much as possible on our farm. We farm in a sustainable way, protecting the environment and enhancing biodiversity.

Our 2024 honey harvest is now sold out.

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Latest News

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Pure Raw Wexford Honey

Our pure raw Wexford honey is all from our own hives.

Our handmade beeswax products include soaps, salves and lipbalms. All these products are handmade by Ciara in small batches using only natural ingredients and fragrances. Our products and packaging are palm-oil, petroleum, and plastic free.

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Tykillen Sport Horses

Sound athletic horses for showjumping and eventing.

Temperment and trainability are attributes considered essential in our breeding programme – we aim to breed horses that are enjoyable to produce up the levels by professional and non-professional riders alike. All our horses are homebred from a small number of very well related mares with traditional Irish bloodlines. Our horses are carefully produced by Ciara on an individual basis, never forced or rushed but given the time they need to develop.

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Outdoor reared Irish Lamb

We farm just over 100 ewes which lamb down in early March every year.

Ciara is a qualified Veterinary Surgeon, making sure our animal’s health and welfare is always looked after to the highest standards. Our lambs are reared outdoors and eat clover, carefully selected grazing grasses and herbs. Lambs are carefully handled to avoid stress and processed locally which results in delicious, tender meat. We are members of the Bord Bia Sustainable Lamb Production Scheme.

Trees and nature

13 acres of Oak, Beech, Scots Pine, Sycamore & Agroforestry.

Established hedgerows form most of perimeters around our farm and between our fields. We’ve limited fertiliser use and recently planted multi-species grass swards to further reduce our use of fertiliser. Under GLAS we’ve planted 1 hectare with wild flowers and corn to support birds and insects and have bird and bat boxes sited around the farm. We’ve also established a wildflower meadow beside our yard. 

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